Agile Decider for Confluence

Quick, Easy & Transparent Decisions


Find documented decisions easily. The decision results are documented in a registry that provides an overview of previous decisions. You can easily find which decisions have been made and which haven’t been concluded yet.


Agile Decider supports you in choosing the method (Opposition Query, Majority Vote), decision makers, decision options and a timeline. It guides you through the decision-making process intuitively.


Create company-wide transparency on decisions in order to make decisions comprehensible. Share your decision result with Confluence Page Makro integrations. 

Book your demo now!

Schedule a demo and discovery call with our team. We highly value any feedback, which you can give us right here on our Canny board!

Next Event


#jetztmalkollegial – Wie kommen wir weiter? 

Ein Austausch mit Expert*innen über Bedeutung, Prozess und Methoden der Entscheidungsfindung im Arbeitsalltag.   

15. September 2022 | Beginn 16:30 Uhr | Einlass 16:00 Uhr

Seibert Media Headquarter, Luisenstraße 37-39, 65185 Wiesbaden +remote

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Jan Saathoff



Wichtige Entscheidungen in agilen Unternehmen

8. Juni 2022 | 16:30 Uhr

Kirchgasse 6
65185 Wiesbaden

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